Automatically open Sublime Text projects in a directory
I usually start Sublime Text 2 from the command line to work, depending
on the case, on the content of a directory or on a project (materialized
with a *.sublime-project
It ends up with one of the following commands :
subl .
subl my-project.sublime-project
Here is the snippet I added to my .bashrc file to have the subl
command automatically “guess” what I want. It does the following:
- If a path is given (subl “my/file.txt”), it opens the file.
- If nothing is given and a .sublime-project file exists in the current directory, it opens it
- If nothing is given and no .sublime-project file has been found, it opens the folder.
function project_aware_subl {
project_file=$(ls *.sublime-project 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
subl ${*:-${project_file:-.}}
alias subl="project_aware_subl"